Bandhan Saat Janamon Ka Cast Real Names with Images has been provided here. Bandhan Saat Janamon Ka was first aired on 21st July, 2008 and went off air on 26th June, 2009 due to low TRP and decreased popularity of the TV serial. It was directed by Neelima Bajpai and broadcast on Colors TV. The story of this TV serial was written by Sampuran Anand and Shashi Mittal.
So, let’s enjoy cast real names of Bandhan Saat Janamon Ka TV serial with images.
Brief Information and Details on Bandhan Saat Janamon Ka TV Serial
- First episode broadcast: 21st July, 2008
- Last episode broadcast: 26th June, 2009
- Total numbers of episodes broadcast: 229
- Approx. running time: Twenty four minutes
- Director: Neelima Bajpai
- Broadcast on: Colors TV
- Writers: Shashi Mittal and Sampuran Anand.
Bandhan Saat Janamon Ka Cast Real Names with Images
Janvi real name is Gungun Uprari
Parth real name is Vishal Gandhi
Ayush real name is Anuj Thakur
Kamini real name is Vandana Gupte
Nikita real name is Ansha Sayeed
Trilok real name is Shailesh Datar
Devang real name is Dhruv Lather
Where to Watch Old Episodes of Bandhan Saat Janamon Ka
To watch old episodes of Bandhan Saat Janamon Ka, please visit the official YouTube channel of Colors TV. If you are using Hotstar App, then you may find old episodes of this amazing TV serial over there.
We hope that information and details on Bandhan Saat Janamon Ka Cast Real Names with Images will be useful to all. Are you big fan of Bandhan Saat Janamon Ka TV serial? Then please do not hesitate to share this article on the social media websites.
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Article Title: Bandhan Saat Janamon Ka Cast Real Names with Images
Article last re-published on November 20, 2016.