4 Vital Tips on How to Plan Office Relocation

Office Relocation

An office move can be a very complex and challenging thing for you. Often there is unwanted complexity to the whole process and you can even face unexpected problems. To resolve these issues, you need to be prepared and have at least a plan to make the job a successful one.

With the right preparation, you can find the whole process an enjoyable and productive one. In this article, I am going to discuss some essential tips to plan on how you can plan your office move.

Planning is the Key

Planning ahead of the relocation day is an essential part of making any relocation a successful one. Stress can creep in if you are not well prepared before the move.

If possible ensure that your relocation plan is ready before six months of the relocation date. In order for you and your staff to have the operation run without disruption office activities, you should have a concrete plan.

Here are some tips on how you can move your office:

  • Create a team to look after the moving process and involve someone responsible who can lead the moving operation.
  • Setting out a realistic timeline before the move is a good idea as it makes all the employees mentally and prepared for the move.
  • Prepare e draft and distribute among your concerned employees to carry on with the moving process on the moving day.
  • Involve your moving expert early on. They can guide and assist you in the moving process way early to keep you away from headaches later on. Your moving company can also help you with the packing process in a safe and sound manner. Also, they can make sure that all your expensive items have been moved to the new office.
  • You can always hire commercial moving companies if you’re from NJ to make it hassle-free.

Discuss and Take Help from Your Employees

Moving to a new place can disrupt the life of your employees too. Employees do need a plan for the relocation as it can involve their family in the process.

Some employees have children who are in schools, side businesses and social lives in the area where they live and work. Hence, discussing the move with your employee is an essential thing for this transition. Doing so, can end up in getting your employees’ support and advice.

Also, some employees can help you in packing and shifting process which can make things much more efficient for you.

The problem with office relocation is that you may lose some employees. In order to be on the safe side, it’s better to move to a nearby location. Many companies have implemented new laws regarding the benefit of employee when moving to a new location.

Notify Service Providers and Clients about the Move

For your every office relocation, you must notify your stakeholders first. If you want your business to run smoothly, you need to inform your clients, key parties and stakeholders in the first place about this. Service providers of your company might also be useful in the new location.

Hence, updating your business information would help you keep your sales steady and run your company’s operation. 

You can call your service providers and clients or even email them way before your relocations starts. Try to build a list of all of your clients and service providers and mail them in bulk to notify them about the moving.

Clarity can make things positive for your company and you can also gain trust from your customers that the move is happening for good.

Have a Budget for Office Relocation

You must prepare a budget for your relocation to keep all your costs in check. Your old office may need some renovation. Transport can also be costly for you and your new office may need more alterations.

For estimating a reasonable budget you can involve your co-workers. To prepare the budget plan your stuffs can assist you whether you can afford it or not. Here are some tips on how you can prepare a relocation budget.

  • Budget for any alterations in your new office by asking the building manager of the new place.
  • Make an inventory for all equipment present in old office and the new one. This can lower your costs as it will help you not to buy extra materials which you already have.
  • Negotiate every service in the relocation process and have an idea of your upfront costs would be like before the move. Doing so, can give you an idea of what least expenses you need to pay.
  • Try to have all the insurance quotes from the moving company you are hiring beforehand.
  • Estimate the loss in sales and revenues of your company during the moving process.
  • Make a budget for the marketing cost and the PR expenses for announcing the relocation.
  • Re-check with the team about the budget plan and take their suggestion on how you can cut the cost.

Bonus Tip

Gather important paperwork and keep it in a safe place. Documents like insurance, trade license, social security card and important paperwork’s shouldn’t be transported with the moving company. It should be kept with you in an essential bag. Here are few items you should keep an eye for:

  • Bill of lading
  • High value inventory form
  • Lease/mortgage documents for your new and old addresses
  • Drivers license and passports
  • Birth Certificates and Social Security Cards
  • Vehicle registration and auto insurance information
  • Medical records and doctor’s office contact information

On the moving day, make sure you have a plan. Having a plan makes things much more efficient and effective. Movers can get your work done. But, it is always you who makes the whole transition a successful one without spending extra amount of money.