5 Best Ways To Sleep With Lower Back Pain

5 Best Ways To Sleep With Lower Back Pain
5 Best Ways To Sleep With Lower Back Pain

Sleeping well when you have neck or back discomfort can be challenging. There’s no way out of the cycle. When your back hurts, it’s difficult to get to sleep, which prevents you from healing.

When you’re in pain, it’s difficult to get a good night’s rest, which means your muscles won’t have a chance to relax and repair. While you sleep, your heart rate and blood pressure drop, your brain releases hormones that promote tissue growth and blood vessel repair, and your body produce more white blood cells, so bolstering your immune system.

What’s the Best Way to Sleep if You Have Back Pain?

If your lower back hurts at night, try these sleeping positions duringlower back pain.

1. Sleep on your side with a pillow between your kneesTurn on your side if you find that sleeping on your back causes you pain:

  • Let your shoulder and the rest of your body lying on the mattress, either to the right or left.
  • Set a cushion in the space between your knees.
  • Use a small pillow at your waist if there is space between your body and the mattress.
  • No matter how many pillows you have, you shouldn’t fall into the habit of sleeping on the same side. Muscle imbalances and even scoliosis might result from doing this repeatedly.

You won’t feel any better if you just sleep on your side. The secret is to place a pillow in between your knees. The pillow will help maintain proper alignment of the pelvis, hips, and spine.

2. Follow the fetal position as you sleep.

A lateral herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or osteoarthritis may all benefit from the fetal sleeping position. This second posture is very similar to the first, except that you bend your legs and trunk more deeply. The increased room between your vertebrae (back bones) allows pressure on your spinal cord and nerves to be released.

  • Keep your neck in a straight line by lying on your side with a pillow supporting your head.
  • Tuck your knees into your chest and round your back. Take this and curl up into a ball.
  • For comfort and support, use pillows as support. Put a pillow between your legs to hold them together, beneath your knees to keep them bent, or behind your back to prevent yourself from rolling over. A body cushion can be held in front of you for additional support.

3. Have a pillow placed beneath your stomach when you sleep.

Some people say that sleeping on one’s stomach might aggravate back problems. This is accurate to a certain extent, as it may place additional strain on your neck. In any case, you shouldn’t try to force yourself out of lying flat on your stomach if that’s where you naturally fall asleep. Rather, try putting a pillow beneath your pelvis and lower abdomen to help ease the strain on your back.

You may or may not want to use a pillow under your head, depending on how you feel in this posture. Degenerative disc disease sufferers may find the most relief by sleeping on their stomachs while propped up with a pillow. The pressure on your intervertebral space can be reduced.

4. Sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees

Some people may find that lying on their back helps their back discomfort the most:

  • Relax by lying on your back.
  • Maintain a neutral spine by placing a pillow between your knees. The pillow is vital because it helps maintain the natural curve of your lower back; a tiny, rolled-up towel placed under the small of your back can also be helpful.

If you sleep on your back, you’ll be able to disperse your body weight across the most surface area. Therefore, your pressure areas will feel less pressure. Better spinal and internal organ alignment is another benefit.

5. Sleep in a reclining position on your back.

Do you find a recliner to be the ideal place to nap? If you suffer from isthmic spondylolisthesis, sleeping in a chair might really help your back discomfort. If you want to sleep in this manner with optimal alignment and support, you may want to consider purchasing an adjustable bed.


In the disease known as isthmic spondylolisthesis, one vertebra slides dorsally over the vertebra below it. A reclining chair can be healthy for your back since it allows you to create a 90-degree angle between your thighs and trunk. The spine is relieved of some strain at this angle.


As no two people will ever have the same level of back pain or sleep issues, it’s important to try several approaches until you find what works. However, it is advised to talk the top orthopedic surgeonif the pain remains even after acceptable adjustments have been made to enhance one’s sleeping conditions because the way one sleeps might not be the cause of one’s back pain.


1. What should you not do with lower back pain?

When you have back pain, it’s not a good idea to perform exercises like crunches, squats, leg lifts, toe touches, or any kind of weight training. You should also wait until your back is fully healed before engaging in activities like golf, racquet sports, or running.

2. What happens if lower back pain is left untreated?

Back discomfort that isn’t addressed promptly can cause lasting impairment due to nerve irritation. Spinal stenosis, radiculopathy, and permanent nerve damage can result from vertebral fractures that are not addressed.

3. What makes back pain worse?

The discomfort in your back can start as a dull ache in your muscles and progress to a sharp stab of pain. The discomfort can even travel down a leg. Moving around in a bent or twisted position, moving heavy objects, standing, or walking may aggravate the pain.