How to Get and Use Casino Credit. Most gamblers use casino credit when they gamble. Although credit is much tougher to obtain nowadays than it was even years ago, there are still plenty of casinos around the world that offer markers where a player deposits most of her/his money on the spot, and only needs to sign “ markers ” to use in table games up to a certain amount as decided by the casino at that moment.
How Casinos Offer Casino Credit
Every casino has a different method for allowing customers to keep cash on hand while they play. Some casinos offer ATM machines and nothing more as alternatives to using their own personal credit/debit cards at the tables. The next step up includes casinos that offer a no-pin ATM or Global Cash services which attach a (as high as 17%) fee to your own money in checking and savings accounts. Many casinos offer check-cashing services which require little more than filling out a short form with bank and residence information, but the first check cashed may be restricted to as little as $50 dollars. As a record is established, the amount of money limited by check cashers is raised accordingly.
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Central Credit
For players who wish to establish a credit line of a higher amount, most large casinos offer marker action (credit lines set up by the casino). This means that you can immediately establish credit with the casino once they give you access. Some casinos may even do this in 10 minutes via their cashier cage, but others may need some time to process and check your information. Central Credit is the industry’s most used service provider for providing credit reports using the standard leaders in credit reporting (Trans Union, Equifax, Experian) to enable faster processing at cashier cages and similar areas.
The casino will then decide how much they want to give you credit. Making sure your current credit situations, your outstanding credit lines at other casinos, and your history then comes into play when establishing your new line. If you have never had casino credit before and have reasonable to good credit (credit score well over 600 with no 60-day delinquents) you can expect to get $5,000 without too much trouble.
Once your credit is established (ask for a reasonable amount, expect to get half) you ask for a marker at a table game in the amount you would like to use. The dealer and pit boss will approve credit and you will be given $1,000 worth of chips. You now owe the casino $1,000. If you have good credit, you may be able to receive more when cashing-in your chips.
How to Pay Back Your Credit
Each casino is unique, and your history with any specific one determines how much time you might have to pay off a marker. Usually casinos will grant card-holders up to six months before making a call as to your need for repayment but an average timeline of 24 weeks is common. The more money you owe, the more lenient a casino will be about granting time extensions but often in these instances it takes another few weeks on top of this duration. Do expect a call from a credit manager when you return home from your trip, as they try their utmost best to recover a refund even though few gamblers ever pay back markers early.
The casino will not allow you to promise them money you do not have. They know that some people might be tempted to get the fast cash, but you will end up ruining your credit rating and making it really hard for yourself when trying to take out real loans from banks in the future. Talking with a high roller could help determine whether this is something for you, but if things are looking dicey at all, our folks over here can provide you with better advice on how to handle your current situation.
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