It does not matter if you want to know what college life looks like. Or maybe you want to reminisce about your former college life. Or maybe you want to have a good laugh because movies set in colleges can be hilarious. So we have put together a list of films that best show what college life is like.
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So let’s start.
Kicking and Screaming
We start with this 1995 film on college life. Written and directed by Noah Baumbach, it tells the story of a group of college students who simply refuse to move ahead with their careers. And each one does this in funny ways.
While it may be a bit boring, the conversations are witty. It does show how college life must have been at that time. And some aspects, like not knowing what to do after graduating, are themes most of us will relate to.
The House Bunny
Next, we have this movie that came out in 2008. It is a comedy movie, but it will look at what your college life was like. It’s about 27-year-old Shelley, who is seemingly kicked out of the Playboy mansion where she lived in luxury. She sees some college girls, and they remind her of herself when she was younger.
She follows them, and while she cannot be a member of their sorority because she is not a student, she tries to be a housemother. That plan does not work very well for her.
There will be funny moments in this movie. But it also shows how diverse colleges can be. How people can judge based on what you look like, and most of all, getting your ending despite starting off to a bad start.
Pitch Perfect
It is true that in college, extracurriculars are more important than actual studying. Unless you are a medical student, then you don’t have time for anything else.
If not, you probably figured out your talents in college. You learn a skill that was a life-changer in college. And this movie shows how college can take you outside your comfort zone.
It teaches us that competitiveness in college and later in life is normal. Additionally, the most ordinary-looking people can have some of the most extraordinary abilities.
Dear White People
Now, we recommend this. And no, it’s not going to be too dramatic.
It follows students at an elite college whom all have something they are hiding or ashamed of. As it happens, college is the worst place to have secrets. Because people will collide and all the secrets will spill out.
Dear White People also addresses some racial issues. And we can relate to the fact that we develop most of our religious and political views in college.
So while it is an undeniably good watch, it also addresses some societal issues we have all experienced in college. From the secrets to the inability to know where we are heading.
If there was a more relatable show, it’s this one.
It follows Zoey and her contemporaries in a modern college. You will probably relate to most of what happens in college. The minimal emphasis on classes will remind you how lightly you took them. The raucous parties with cheap beer and pizza, the random dates, and the one friend who is never sober but is also the most talented.
The emotions and activities in this show were spot-on, and we love to watch it. Try it too.
Legally Blonde
It is about a young lady who moves to towns and enrolls in law school. For the wrong reasons. But she goes ahead and makes some impressive power moves. From refusing to budge on her choice of apparel and colors. Lawyers do wear a lot of neutrals to the top of their class.
Most of us won’t exactly relate to the law school part, but college is college. And that we relate to. The competitiveness, the unexpected windfalls, and the joy of getting what you want.
You will also see what it means to put your mind to something and achieve it.
One of the funniest movies about college out there. It follows a group of high school graduates who start their own college after being rejected from the schools they applied to. The new college is different. It is student-led and even stands against accreditation.
One important lesson here is that rejection from schools shouldn’t cause you to give up. And we have all been there. Getting those rejection letters could be sad. But you can pick up and find another school to go to.
Good Will Hunting
This is an oldie but a Goldie. It is not a comedy movie but rather a psychological movie. It follows a recently paroled math genius working as a janitor at M.I.T. He is good with math but struggles with his emotional well-being.
He will solve some of the most difficult math problems, shocking students and lecturers, but he does not know what he wants to do.
It will relate to most, as we may be good academically but suffer from identity crises, which is normal for anyone at that age.
The Social Network
Finally, we have the social network. It follows a computer genius at an Ivy League college. He gets an idea. It starts small, but it later becomes a billion-dollar company in a few years. The process of getting there will involve scenes of common college life.
It is supposed to mirror the creation of Facebook. But really, you will get the part about college life.
Summing Up
Movies are a great source of entertainment. But they also serve to relate to real-life events. Maybe the next time you wish to relax from work, relax by watching these movies.