Understanding the Early Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes in Young Kids

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is called Juvenile Diabetes. It generally, impacts kids and adolescents, but in rare cases, it can affect adults as well. Diabetes is a clinical condition wherein your body develops insulin resistance and fails to manufacture it for metabolizing sugar in your blood. Insulin is essential for delivering glucose to the cells in your body to release energy. According to Forbes, juvenile diabetes is very much under active research and making phenomenal medical progress. It is a fact that chronic diseases can adversely impact the everyday way of life of children and their families, diabetic kids can still lead successful, healthy, and active life. Patients are successful in managing their symptoms well, thanks to cutting-edge technology. 

Symptoms of Juvenile Diabetes in Kids

Unexplained Changes in Sleeping & Eating Habits

Low blood sugar and high blood sugar may cause insomnia at night and fatigue, the following day. When children have high blood sugar levels, the kidneys try to overcompensate by making them urinate more frequently. Frequent bathroom visits may disrupt your sleep at night. Children may experience disturbed sleep at night. Due to high blood sugar, they may experience headaches, exhaustion, and increased thirst and hunger. All this can hamper peaceful sleep at night.

Frequent Urination

A sudden increase in the number of times your kid needs to urinate may indicate a direct connection with a sudden boost in water intake. It can be quite concerning. This can be one of the early diabetes signsIt is best to get a few urine sugar test done to check the blood sugar levels. Consult a pediatrician for the best advice.

Excessive Exhaustion or Fatigue

In the case of Type 1 diabetes, the sugar amount is very high in your blood, but the cells in your body cannot use the sugar. Hence, kids with type 1 diabetes feel excessively exhausted and weak. Unexplained and excessive fatigue can be a warning sign of diabetes, and you should consult a doctor at once.

Sudden Weight Loss for No Rhyme or Reason

Even though diabetic patients are forever feeling hungry and looking for more food all the time, the patient will be losing weight drastically. The body’s energy-providing mechanism does not function properly so weight loss is inevitable. High sugar levels explain why the cells are deprived of energy and the reason why there is a subsequent drop in body mass because of the loss of muscle and fat in your body. Kids lose weight due to diabetes.

Sudden Mood Shifts and Temper Flare-ups 

Due to the perpetually fluctuating blood glucose levels, your child may demonstrate mood swings. When the child has low sugar levels, he will feel irritable and morose. When a type 1 diabetic patient has high blood sugar levels, he will be bubbling with energy and in a good mood. However, once the levels start dipping again, or soaring again, your child may feel depressed or agitated, and over-excited.


Ensure that you are following all dictates and administering the right medications in the right dosage to your child. Sugar control is critical to avoid undesirable complications. Remember that appropriate medication and consistent care can help manage diabetes in children.