Leather handbags are considered timeless and elegant by most buyers. However, there are different types of leather handbags. And when it comes to leather handbags, the manufacturing process matters just as much as the design.
And when it comes to that, Italian handbags really take the crown. Italian leather handbags aren’t usually mass-produced. Rather, they’re handcrafted, so every bag offers not just the product itself, but a story as well.
Today, I’ll take you through the journey of Italian handcrafted handbags, and what makes them worth the investment.
What Makes Italian Leather Special?
Before understanding why Italian handbags are special, it’s important to learn what they’re made of. Italian handbags are mostly made of Italian leather. There’s a common misconception that Italian leather is just leather produced in Italy.
However, that’s not the case. Italian leather isn’t necessarily manufactured in Italy. In fact, it can be made anywhere. Italian leather refers to a special manufacturing process that’s widely followed in Italy, and it’s vegetable tanning.
So, what’s the deal with vegetable tanning? Vegetable tanning is one of the oldest tanning methods. It’s also one of the most complicated ones. In this process, tannins extracted from vegetable and plant tissues are used.
As this method is very complicated and makes mass production much tougher, it’s not usually followed by most leather industries. However, vegetable tanning results in leather with full grain. Full-grain leather is considered to be the most durable. Also, the texture of this leather is of high quality as well.
A Brief History of Italian Leather
The early productions of Italian Leather date back to the 10th century. Back then, the manufacturing process of Italian Leather was invented and they were produced mainly in Sicily. With time, the fame of Italian Leather rose exponentially due to its amazing quality. Later on, the production moved to Tuscany and Marche.
In the medieval era, Italian leathers were produced by families using recipes that were passed on from generation to generation. During this time, a lot of guilds were formed around this because the recipes were treated as family secrets. This led to competition between the guilds, which in turn helped improve the quality of Italian leather further. Even to this day, the production methods are kept secret by the families.
Around the 13th century, most of the leather produced in Italy came from the district of Santa Croce in Florence, which is in the Tuscan region. This is mainly because of the Arno river that provided the supply of clean water.
However, leather production can spread a rotten smell across a large area, and the leather manufacturing plants in Santa Croce were affecting the denizens of Florence. To improve their livelihood, the plants were later moved to a place called Santa Croce sull’Arno. This place is later gained fame and now stands as one of the best tanning districts in the world.
As you can see, Italian leather has a rich history, and it goes without saying that it’s one of the best leathers in the world. Now, I’ll show you why handbags made of Italian leather are worthy of your investment.
Benefits to Expect from A Italian Handbag
Here are five amazing perks you can expect to receive from Italian handbags.
Italian handbags are famous for their durability. As they’re made of Italian leather, they’re way more durable than products made of regular leather. In fact, you can use Italian handbags daily without the fear of damaging their quality.
In fact, even if the bag gets scratched or nicked, you’ll be able to wipe that mark off easily with a microfiber cloth. So, if you want a handbag that can stand the test of time, then getting yourself an Italian handbag will be worth it.
Every Piece is Unique
Unlike most handbags that you can get from across the world, Italian handbags aren’t mass produced. In fact, they’re handcrafted following the techniques passed down from generation to generation.
This is why, there’s a distinct difference between products produced by different companies. Then again, each artisan has a signature style, so no two bags are the same. This makes Italian Handbags a decent choice for people looking for something unique.
Easy to Maintain
One of the greatest cons of getting a leather handbag is that they are tough to maintain. Even if they last long, they lose their initial looks if not maintained properly. This is because of the sensitive nature of leather.
However, the special tanning process of Italian leather makes it easy to maintain. So, Italians handbags can look the same for years without much maintenance. All you need to do to clean these bags is to wipe them with a damp microfiber towel.
The entire manufacturing process of Italian leather and Italian handbags is very ancient. The processes don’t contain any method or chemical that’s harmful to the earth. In fact, all the materials in the bag are biodegradable. So, they’re completely eco-friendly.
Timeless Design
Regarding handbags, the build quality is important, but it’s not the only thing that buyers consider. The design of the handbag is equally important, and to some, it might be more important than the rest of the factors.
And that is quite understandable too. Luckily for you, Italian handbags come in all sorts of designs. When you’re purchasing there, you aren’t just getting a product, but you’re purchasing a bit of fashion history. Also, there’s a wide range of products to choose from, especially if you’re getting it from a renowned company. We highly recommend checking out Italian handbags by Casa Isota as they offer a wide range of designs to choose from.
Italian Handbags are one of the best choices if you’re in the market for handbags. They look amazing, last the test of time, are eco-friendly, and each of them is unique. However, before purchasing these, make sure they’re made of full-grain Italian leather, as the leather type is what offers all the perks here.