Gharwali Uparwali Aur Sunny Cast Real Names with Photographs

Gharwali Uparwali Aur Sunny
Gharwali Uparwali Aur Sunny

Gharwali Uparwali Aur Sunny Cast Real Names with Photographs information and details have been provided here. Gharwali Uparwali Aur Sunny was first aired in 2003 and the final episode was aired in 2004. There were 22 mins approx. for running time on Star Plus. It was went off air due to low TRP and no big response from the viewers across the country. It was not available in HDTV. This TV serial was directed by Shrey Guleri for Star Plus.

In this article, we have provided real names of Gharwali Uparwali Aur Sunny TV serial with photographs for all the fans across the country. So, let’s see and do not forget to share it on social media sites to make it more useful.

Gharwali Uparwali Aur Sunny Cast Real Names with Photographs

Ravi aka Mukul DevRavi real name is Mukul Dev

Pooja aka Seema Kapoor Pooja real name is Seema Kapoor

Shruti UlfatShruti Ulfat

Monty aka Kaivalya ChhedaMonty real name is Kaivalya Chheda

Brief Information and Details on Gharwali Uparwali Aur Sunny

  • First episode aired in 2003
  • Last episode broadcast in 2004
  • Approx. running time: Twenty two mins
  • Director: Shrey Guleri
  • Lead Actors: Mukul Dev, Shruti Ulfat, Seema Kapoor, and Kaivalya Chheda
  • Available picture format: SDTV
  • Broadcast on Star Plus
  • Opening Theme Name: Gharwali Uparwali Aur Sunny


It revolves around the life of Ravi, whose first wife dies within a year of marriage. He then marries the second time and has a 10-year-old son, Sunny.

Where to Watch Old Episodes of Gharwali Uparwali Aur Sunny TV Serial

To watch old episodes of Gharwali Uparwali Aur Sunny TV serial, please visit the official site of Star Plus. If you are regular user of YouTube and other popular video sharing websites, you could also find the all episodes of Gharwali Uparwali Aur Sunny online.

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We hope that the information on Gharwali Uparwali Aur Sunny Cast Real Names with Photographs will be useful to all fans in India.

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Article Title: Gharwali Uparwali Aur Sunny Cast Real Names with Photographs
Article last re-published on November 22, 2016.