Are you confused between lifetime free credit cards and normal credit cards? Your choice can significantly impact your financial journey, including credit card late payment charges. In this article, we will explore the differences between Lifetime Free Credit Cards and Normal Credit Cards. We’ll uncover the advantages and drawbacks of each option, helping you make an informed decision when you apply for a credit card. Join us as we explore the world of credit cards, empowering you to choose the best card for your needs while avoiding unnecessary charges.
Difference between a lifetime free credit card and normal credit card
Some credit card issuers charge joining and annual fees as a requirement to access their services. These cards are referred to as normal credit cards, and the annual fees can vary from a few hundred to several thousand rupees, depending on the card’s benefits.
However, it’s important to note that you may be eligible for a waiver of the annual fees if you meet specific spending criteria. For example, if you achieve a milestone spending of Rs. 20,000 within a year, your credit card provider might waive the renewal fees, provided it is the specified threshold. This is one of the key features of normal credit cards.
On the other hand, a lifetime free credit card is a type of credit card that doesn’t impose any joining or annual renewal fees. These cards are an excellent choice for individuals who aim to save money over time and those seeking to overcome their debts quickly.
Features and benefits of lifetime free credit cards
Some of the features and benefits of a lifetime free credit card include:
- No joining/annual fees
Users can save on joining and annual membership fees with this card. Throughout the years of using the card, it remains free, and the only payment is transaction bills and default fees where applicable.
- Reward points
These credit cards offer reward points for every purchase made, which can be redeemed for cash, discounts, or other exclusive perks. For instance, credit cards like OneCard automatically apply 5x reward points to each month’s two top spending categories, and the points are automatically credited to the customer.
- Cashback
Lifetime-free credit cards often offer cashback on some qualifying purchases or for reaching certain spending limits. This is a way of putting money back into the pockets of credit card customers.
- Discounts
These credit cards offer discounts on various spending categories, such as electronics, furniture, air flights, car rentals, and retail shopping.
Features and benefits of normal credit cards
Normal credit cards come with joining and renewal fees but offer more benefits than lifetime-free credit cards. These cards are an excellent choice for people who don’t mind paying an annual fee to access higher cashback, reward points, exclusive deals, and VIP treatment in lounges, diners, and concerts. Some of the features and benefits include:
- More reward points
Normal credit cards offer more reward points for every purchase, which can be redeemed for cash, discounts, and other deals. The fees you pay on the card are converted into higher rewards for customers.
- Airport lounge access
Normal credit cards offer free airport lounge access, which can be highly attractive to frequent travellers.
- Concierge services
These credit cards come with concierge services that help you make travel, dining, or entertainment reservations.
- Premium rewards
Some Normal credit cards offer premium rewards such as access to exclusive events, luxury hotel stays, and more.
Choosing between a lifetime free credit card and a normal credit card
Choosing between a lifetime free credit card and a Normal credit card depends on your spending pattern and lifestyle. If you want to avoid annual fees without missing out on great benefits, a lifetime free credit card may be the right choice.
On the other hand, if you want to enjoy more benefits without minding renewal fees, a Normal credit card may be suitable for you. Before choosing a credit card, make sure to consider the following factors:
– Spending habits
– Lifestyle needs
– Credit score
– Applicable fees
– Features and benefits
Lifetime-free credit cards require no joining or renewal fees, and they come with significant benefits, including cashback, discounts, and redeemable points. Normal credit cards offer additional benefits to justify joining and membership fees. Consider your financial behaviour, lifestyle needs, desired benefits, and credit score before opting for either.