Neeli Chatri Wale All Characters Real Names with Images information and details has been provided here. It is one of the most popular TV serials on Zee TV in India. It is produced by Ashwni Dhir under the banner of Garima Productions. Approx. running time of this TV serial is twenty two minutes and this is the first season of this TV series. It was first aired on August 30, 2014 on Zee TV. It is still running on Zee TV due to its popularity.
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Brief information and details on Neeli Chatri Wale TV Series
- Produced by: Ashwni Dhir
- First aired on 30 August, 2014
- Broadcast on: Zee TV
- Production House: Garima Productions
- Number of seasons: One
- Approx. running time: Twenty two minutes
- Country of origin: India
Neeli Chatri Wale All Characters Real Names with Images
Bhagwan Das real name is Yashpal Sharma
Shivaye real name is Himanshu Soni
Bobby real name is Disha Savla
Babloo real name is Aayan Khan
Baani Sharma
Mishra Ji real name is Salim Zaidi
Mahadev Singh real name is Shahbaz Khan
Baby Dubey real name is Melissa Pais
Gowardhan Dubey real name is Anoop Upadhyay
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Article last re-published on January 27, 2016.