Apno Ke Liye Geeta Ka Dharmayudh Cast Real Names with Images

Apno Ke Liye Geeta Ka Dharmayudh
Apno Ke Liye Geeta Ka Dharmayudh

Apno Ke Liye Geeta Ka Dharmayudh Cast Real Names with Images information and details has been provided here. AKLGKD was first premiered on 6th December, 2010 and went off air on 6th May, 2011 after completion of 131 episodes broadcast. It was directed by Prasad Gavandi and Deepak Sharma for Shreya Creations. This TV serial was broadcast on Zee TV from 6th December, 2010 to 6th May, 2011. Due to low popularity of the TV serial, authority has decided to shut down this TV serial and it was replaced with a new TV serial.

So, let’s see cast real names of Apno Ke Liye Geeta Ka Dharmayudh TV serial with photographs.

Brief Information and Details on Apno Ke Liye Geeta Ka Dharmayudh TV Series

  • First episode: 6th December, 2010
  • Last episode: 6th May, 2011
  • Total numbers of episodes broadcast: 131
  • Approx. running time: Twenty Four Minutes
  • Broadcast on: Zee TV
  • Shooting location: Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • Production House: Shreya Creations
  • Directors: Deepak Sharma and Prasad Gavandi

Apno Ke Liye Geeta Ka Dharmayudh Cast Real Names with Images

Geeta aka Sargun MehtaGeeta real name is Sargun Mehta

Prince aka Nikhil ChaddhaPrince real name is Nikhil Chaddha

Mrs. Bhagat aka Shalini AroraMrs. Bhagat real name is Shalini Arora

Malini Yadav aka Urvashi DholakiaMalini Yadav real name is Urvashi Dholakia

Geeta's brother aka Kanan MalhotraGeeta’s brother real name is Kanan Malhotra

Asha aka Mamta ChaturyaAsha real name is Mamta Chaturya

Kamya aka Garima AjmaniKamya real name is Garima Ajmani

Raghu aka Krip Kapoor SuriRaghu real name is Krip Kapoor Suri

Sudha aka Monalika BhonsleSudha real name is Monalika Bhonsle

Dr. Bhagat aka Ravi JhankalDr. Bhagat real name is Ravi Jhankal

Where to Watch Old Episodes of Apno Ke Liye Geeta Ka Dharmayudh

If you are regular user of popular video sharing website, YouTube, then please visit it and search for ‘Apno Ke Liye Geeta Ka Dharmayudh‘ to see a list of episodes available online for watching online.

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Article Title: Apno Ke Liye Geeta Ka Dharmayudh Cast Real Names with Images
Article last re-published on November 20, 2016.