As a driver, did you take the defensive driving course that safeguards your life? Knowing defensive driving helps yourself and fellow drivers to be safe on the road is vital.
No matter how cautious you are while driving, there’s always a chance that another vehicle can come into your path and cause a collision.
The practice of defensive driving can help you minimize your risk of being in an accident. In this blog, we will discuss the top 6 defensive driving techniques. So, keep reading!
- Avoid distractions
One of the most important defensive driving techniques is avoiding distractions during driving. These distractions may be:
- Changing the music,
- Mobile calls,
- Radio stations,
- Conversion with other passengers in the vehicle.
It is a standard practice to avoid distractions when you are driving a car and vehicles. There is nothing wrong with changing the music or having a conversation while driving, but make sure your attention or focus is on driving and it doesn’t distract you from the road.
Don’t forget to check and set the mirror before driving. It is to avoid distracting yourself by adjusting mirrors during driving. Having a clear view when driving is necessary, so set the mirrors beforehand.
- Maintain a safe distance between vehicles
For any defensive driver, knowing the safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front/the vehicle in the back is vital. Keep in mind the three-second rule. It means to keep a minimum of three seconds of your driving time between the vehicle in front of you and your vehicle based on your current driving speed.
Try to have sufficient space between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. For example, you can drive your vehicle in the center lane for an adequate distance. Also, you can switch lanes when a vehicle is tailgating you. When you cannot change lanes, you can press the brake, which makes tailgating vehicles understand that you will slow down.
- Beware of heavy traffic
Traffic can be a daunting prospect for new drivers. It can be challenging to know what to do when confronted with a mass of fast-moving vehicles, and it is easy to make mistakes that could put yourself and others in danger. That’s why it’s essential to exercise caution when driving in heavy traffic and to be aware of the potential risks.
One of the most common dangers in heavy traffic is being rear-ended by another vehicle. It can happen if you brake too hard or make sudden lane changes without signaling. Other risks include being cut off by other drivers or becoming involved in a multi-vehicle pileup.
- Anticipate danger
Try to maintain a gap between your vehicle and other vehicles. This gap helps you to press the brake when it is needed. Also, watch for dangers or risks in evasive action and emergency braking.
Take into consideration the hazards which may occur from a distance. Then, whenever you encounter a hazard, you can take preventive and safe action to avoid collusion and maintain the current safe driving environment.
- All hands on the steering wheel
Driving with one hand is cool and exciting in drama, but in real life, it is better to be safe by driving with two hands on the wheel. It is better to focus on both hands on the steering wheel to control your driving.
It is better to have a firm grip on the steering wheel. Here is a defensive driving course technique for the steering wheel: the defensive driver is to hold the steering wheel at three and nine o’clock positions.
- Seat belt
Let’s talk about another defensive driving technique. That is wearing seat belts. It helps you to reduce serious injury and avoid the risk of sudden death. Also, it allows you to safeguard and survive any accidents.
Today driving without a seat belt is treated as a traffic violation. Hence, wear a seat belt before driving and avoid penalties and fines from traffic police.
There is no 100% foolproof guideline to avoid accidents on the road. However, to be on the safer side, you can take part in a defensive driving course. It helps the driver with the knowledge and skills needed to be safe while driving. Also, it makes you proactive and becomes a defensive driver.