Vasundhara Raje is the chief minister of Rajasthan and one o the leading BJP leaders in Rajasthan state. She is also one of the most popular BJP leaders in Rajasthan. She is also one of the controversial figures in Rajasthan. However, she has many BJP fans around the state and some of them want to meet her personally and face to face. To help them, we have provided some of the best tips and guide on how to meet Vasundhara Raje face to face. So, let’s read!
How to Meet Vasundhara Raje Personally [Best Tips and Guide]
1. Request Through An Email
Email is the best and the most convenient way to approach any person especially celebrities as they can check emails anywhere in the world. To meet Vasundhara Raje, you should write an email and tell about your dream to meet her. It is one of the best ways to impress her. You should use proper sentences to impress her otherwise her secretary would not forward email to her. You would find her email address on the official website of herself.
2. Request Through The Mail
She is always available through the mail. You should write a letter to Vasundhara Raje and tell about your dream to meet her for your so and so purpose. Your letter should be brief and have some valid points which may be helpful to finalize your meeting with her. Please submit your letter and attached documents to the following address of her office.
Vasundhara Raje
The Chief Minister of Rajasthan
Chief Minister Office,
Rajasthan, India
C: +91-141-2227656
C: +91-141-2227647
F: +91-141-2227687
3. Meet Her At Political Rallies
Vasundhara Raje conducts political rallies in various cities in Rajasthan. It is one of the best ways to approach her through the local BJP leaders. You would need some good level contacts to meet her personally and face to face.
So, best of luck of meeting Vasundhara Raje.
Article first published on May 14, 2016.