The Act is a true crime anthology series that premiered on Hulu in March 2019. This movie is a dark and suspenseful drama series that will keep you on edge. This show centers around a young woman, Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who struggles with her mother’s overbearing control and mental illness. With Gypsy’s story unfolding, you’ll wonder what will happen next. However, if you’re wondering where you can watch The Act, this comprehensive guide will help you find the best options.
Streaming Services to watch The Act
If you’re looking for ways to watch The Act, several streaming services offer it. Here are four streaming services where you can watch The Act.
Hulu is the primary streaming service for The Act. The show is exclusively available on Hulu, so you’ll need a subscription to watch it. Hulu is a popular streaming service that offers a variety of TV shows, movies, and original content. However, it’s available in the US, Japan, and some parts of Europe. Here’s what you need to know about watching The Act on Hulu:
Subscription cost and plans
Hulu offers three subscription plans: Basic, Premium, and Hulu + Live TV. The Basic plan costs $12.99 per month, the Premium plan (ads-free) costs $19.99, and the Hulu + Live TV plan costs $69.99 per month. The Basic plan includes ads, while the Premium plan is ad-free. Also, the Hulu + Live TV plan includes live TV channels and on-demand content.
How to sign up for Hulu?
To sign up for Hulu, you have to go to the Hulu website and select the plan you want. You’ll then need to enter your personal and payment information to create an account. In addition, Hulu offers a 30-day free trial for new subscribers.
How to watch The Act on Hulu?
Once you’ve signed up for Hulu, you can watch The Act on any device that supports the Hulu app. This service includes smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, gaming consoles, and streaming devices like Roku and Amazon Fire TV. Finally, search for The Act in the Hulu app, and start watching.
Amazon Prime Video
Amazon Prime Video is another streaming service that offers The Act. It is a popular streaming service included in the Amazon Prime subscription. In addition to TV shows and movies, Amazon Prime Video offers original content like The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and Jack Ryan. However, here’s what you need to know about watching The Act on Amazon Prime Video:
Subscription cost and plans
Amazon Prime Video is included in the Amazon Prime subscription, which costs $139 per year or $14.99 per month. In addition to Prime Video, the Amazon Prime subscription includes free two-day shipping, access to Amazon Music, and other perks.
How to sign up for Amazon Prime Video?
To sign up for Amazon Prime Video, you’ll need to sign up for Amazon Prime first. You can do this on the Amazon website. Once you’ve signed up for Amazon Prime, you can watch Prime Video on any device supporting the app.
How to watch The Act on Amazon Prime Video?
To watch The Act on Amazon Prime Video, search for the show in the Prime Video app. The Amazon Prime subscription includes the show, so you won’t need to pay additional fees to watch it.
Apple TV
With Apple TV’s vast library of content, you can watch The Act in the comfort of your own home. However, you need to know here about Apple TV’s subscription plans and how to watch The Act on their service.
Subscription Cost and Plans
Apple TV offers two subscription plans: the basic and premium plans. The basic plan costs $6.99 per month and provides access to Apple TV’s library of movies, TV shows, and originals. The premium plan costs $9.99 per month and provides access to the same library and Apple TV+ originals, such as The Act.
How to Sign Up for Apple TV?
Signing up for Apple TV is easy and can be done from the Apple TV app on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV device. First, open the Apple TV app and select “Try Apple TV+” from the main menu. You will then be asked to choose a plan and enter your payment information. Once you have completed the process, you can immediately start streaming The Act and other Apple TV+ shows.
How to Watch The Act on Apple TV
Once you have signed up for Apple TV, you can start streaming The Act immediately. Open the Apple TV app on your device and select “Browse” from the main menu. You will then see a list of all the shows on Apple TV+, including The Act. Select the show and start streaming.
Google Play
Google Play is a digital distribution service that offers movies, TV shows, music, and books. The Act is available on Google Play for purchase or rent. Google Play is available in over 100 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. However, here’s what you need to know about watching The Act on Google Play:
Subscription cost and plans
Google Play does not offer a subscription service like Hulu or Amazon Prime Video. Instead, you can purchase or rent individual episodes or seasons of The Act. The cost varies depending on the option you choose.
How to sign up for Google Play?
To sign up for Google Play, you’ll need a Google account. You can create a Google account for free on the Google website. Once you have a Google account, you can purchase or rent content on Google Play.
How to watch The Act on Google Play?
To watch The Act on Google Play, search for the show in the Play store. You can purchase individual episodes or entire seasons of the show. Once you’ve purchased the show, you can watch it on any device that supports the Google Play app.
Other Ways to Watch The Act
If you don’t want to use a streaming service, there are other ways to watch The Act. Here are a few options:
DVD and Blu-Ray
You can buy The Act on DVD or Blu-Ray if you prefer physical media. The show is available in both formats through online retailers like Amazon and Best Buy.
Where to buy The Act on DVD and Blu-Ray?
The Act is available on DVD and Blu-Ray through online retailers like Amazon and Best Buy.
Cost of purchasing The Act on DVD and Blu-Ray
The cost of purchasing The Act on DVD or Blu-Ray varies depending on the retailer and format. As of writing, the DVD version of The Act costs around $15, while the Blu-Ray version costs around $25.
Digital Purchase
You can purchase The Act digitally through various online retailers like Amazon and Google Play if you prefer digital media.
Where to buy The Act digitally?
The Act is available for digital purchases through online retailers like Amazon and Google Play.
Cost of purchasing The Act digitally
The cost of purchasing The Act digitally varies depending on the retailer and format. As of writing, the cost of purchasing a single episode of The Act is around $2. At the same time, the cost of purchasing an entire season is around $15.
Cable and Satellite TV Providers
If you have a cable or satellite TV subscription, you can watch The Act through your provider’s on-demand service.
List of cable and satellite TV providers that offer The Act
The Act is available on-demand through various cable and satellite TV providers like Spectrum, Xfinity, and DirecTV.
How to watch The Act on cable and satellite TV?
To watch The Act on cable or satellite TV, you must check if your provider offers the show on demand. However, if it does, navigate to the on-demand section and search for The Act.
FAQs on Where Can I Watch The Act
Is The Act available on Netflix?
No, the movie The Act is not currently available on Netflix. The Act is an American true crime drama series aired on Hulu in 2019.
Is The Act free on prime video?
As an Amazon Prime subscriber, you can watch the entire first season of The Act for free on Prime Video.
The Act is a gripping true crime anthology series exclusive to Hulu. However, other options for watching the show include Amazon Prime Video, Google Play, and physical media. If you have a cable or satellite TV subscription, you may also be able to watch The Act through your provider’s on-demand service.